Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Waiting for the Birth of the Sixth Sun

This post will be brief, owing to the fact that there is no internet connection at Maya Bell, where I’m staying. Our time with the Zapatistas was shorter than expected, but incredibly rich and informative. It will take a few days to construct an account that will do justice to our meeting with the Junta and with the formadores and promotores de educación.  The Zapatistas are extremely aware of the environment, both natural and sociopolitical, in which they are living. Everything they do, every decision they make, is done with great deliberation and care. To even begin to approach the task of trying to share an account of our time with them must be done with a deliberation and care that comes as close as possible to theirs. These are dangerous times for them, as they are for the rest of the world. They understand this better than most people.

Maya Bell has been inundated with Rainbow people. Compared to the wisdom of the Zapatistas, who are extremely careful about whom they share any information with, the so-called “Mayan healers” who work with the Rainbow people (for a fee) are apparently indiscriminate about the people with whom they share their drugs and “sacred knowledge.” Despite the supposed "War on Drugs" that is causing so much pain for the people of Mexico, there are no police checking these young international folks for drugs. But then, the Mexican government feels no threat from a bunch of hippies ... and these prideful, mostly young, people feel they are above politics. Apparently, they feel the world will improve (in some undefinable way) if they can just have a good trip. Most of those with whom I've spoken haven't even heard of the Zapatistas. But then, as the Zapatistas say, they want "a world in which many worlds fit." I guess that includes the Rainbow kids, too.

The next time I may be able to write will be December 22. I fully expect at that time to be able to confirm that the world did not end. Happy New Era, everyone.

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